contact: hmori[at]issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp (Prof. H. Mori),
fujino[at]issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp (Dr. T. Fujino)
(please replace [at] with @)
What's new
- Oct. 16, 2024
- Mr. Nagamori, M2, received the Poster Presentation Award at the 18th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science (2024/9/18-21)! Congratulations!
Awarded title "Thermoelectric effec of EDOT oligomeric conductors"
https://www.issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp/maincontents/news2.html?pid=25028 - July. 30, 2024
- The results of research on conductivity enhancement by Se substitution of terminal groups in oligomeric conductors, which was led by Dr. Onozuka, a former graduate student (Nagaoka National College of Technology), has been published in J. Mater!
”Higher conductivity in doped ethylenedioxythiophene (EDOT) dimers with chalcogen-substituted end groups”, K. Onozuka, T. Fujino,* T. Miyamoto, T. Yamakawa, H. Okamoto, H. Akiba, O. Yamamuro, E. Kayahara, S.. Yamago, H. Oike, and H. Mori,*
J. Mater. Chem. C, 12, 13956 (2024). - Apr. 17, 2024
- The following media covered the research results of Dr. Fujino , which were published in Nat. Commun. and a press release was issued!
日本経済新聞 - Apr. 1, 2024
- Dr. Fujita, Dr. Nishimoto, and Mr. Nakamura joined Mori group.
- Oct. 1, 2023
- Dr. Onozuka received his degree in September and took up a new position as Assistant Professor at Nagaoka National College of Technology! Congratulations!
- Aug. 9, 2023
- Mr Nishioka, D2, received the Poster Presentation Award (awarded to 3 out of about 70 students, as voted by students) at the MERIT Voluntary Camp (2023/8/6-8)! Congratulations!
Awarded title "Isotropic anhydrous superprotonic conductivity of 1,2,3-triazolium dihydrogen phosphate single crystal"
- July 6, 2023
- The following media covered the research results of Mr Onozuka and research associate Dr. Fujino , which were published in J. Am. Chem. Soc. and a press release was issued!
Yahoo! ニュース
EE Times Japan
optronics online
ASCII.jp × ビジネス
fabcross engineer
- 日本の研究.com
- March 25, 2023
- D1 student Masaaki Ito has won the Best Student Presentation Award at the 2023 Spring Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan! Congratulations!
Title of the award: 'Atmospherically stable d/π-conjugated unbipolar semiconductors: higher dimensionality of electronic structure by substituent chain length'
Click here to see the list of award winners.!!
受賞題目「大気安定なd/π共役系アンバイポーラ半導体: 置換基鎖長による電子構造の高次元化」
受賞者一覧はこちら。 - Dec.19, 2022
- An original paper of Dr. Yokomori (Alumnus, Current: Assitant Prof. at Rikkyo Univ.) about the development of new neutral molecular conductors based on single metal-dithiolene complex has been published in Chem. Lett. online!
Neutral Radical Molecular Conductors Based on a Gold Dimethoxybenzenedithiolene Complex with and without Crystal Solvent
S. Yokomori*, S. Dekura*, A. Ueda, T. Higashino, H. Mori*
Chem. Lett., in press (2022). DOI: 10.1246/cl.220446 - Dec.14, 2022
- An original paper of Mr. Ito (D1) about the development of new molecular material based on metal-dithiolene complex for air-stable ambipolar FET has been published in J. Am. Chem. Soc. online!
Ambipolar Nickel Dithiolene Complex Semiconductors: From One- to Two-Dimensional Electronic Structures Based upon Alkoxy Chain Lengths
M. Ito, T. Fujino*, L. Zhang, S. Yokomori, T. Higashino, R. Makiura, K. Takeno, T. Ozaki, H. Mori*
J. Am. Chem. Soc., in press (2022). DOI: 10.1021/jacs.2c08015
Click here for press release on the ISSP website (also on the Univ. of Tokyo's website).
Click here for press release on the Osaka Metropolitan University's website. - Oct.25, 2022
- Prof. Mori got Japan Society for Molecular Science Award!! Conguratulations!!
Title "Development of Electronic Functionalities in Molecular Materials"
Details are here.
Click here for an introductory article on the ISSP website. - Mr. Ito (D1) got the Poster Presentation Award in the 16th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science. Congratulations!!
Details are here. - An original paper of Dr. Dekura (project research associate) about the isotropic anhydrous superprotonic conductivity in phosphoric acid–imidazole (2:1) crystal has been accepted for publication in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.!
Isotropic Anhydrous Superprotonic Conductivity Cooperated with Installed Imidazolium Molecular Motions in a 3D Hydrogen-Bonded Phosphate Network
S. Dekura,* M. Mizuno, H. Mori,*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., e202212872 (2022).
Click here for an introductory article on the ISSP website. - Jul. 01, 2022
- A collaboration work of Dr. Dekura (project research associate) with Prof. Tohnai, Dr. Oka, and Mr. Akai at Osaka University has been published in Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.!!
Molecular Arrangement Control of [1]Benzothieno[3,2-b][1]benzothiophene (BTBT) via Charge-Assisted Hydrogen Bond
R. Akai, K. Oka, S. Dekura,* H. Mori, N. Tohnai,*
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 95, 1178-1182 (2022).
- Mar. 25, 2022
- An original paper of Dr. Kameyama (graduated in Autumn 2021) about the effect of band filling on electrical conductivity and electronic correlations in bis-EDOT (= EthyleneDiOxyThiphene) charge transfer salts with hydrogen sulfate anion has been published in J. Mater. Chem. C!!
Band-filling effects in single-crystalline oligomer models for doped PEDOT: 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene (EDOT) dimer salt with hydrogen-bonded infinite sulfate anion chains
R. Kameyama, T. Fujino,* S. Dekura, S. Imajo, T. Miyamoto, H. Okamoto, H. Mori*
J. Mater. Chem. C, 10, 7543-7551, (2022). - Apr. 14, 2022
- A Feature Article reviewing recent works in Mori lab on developments of proton–electron-coupled functionalities in molecular solids has been accepted for publication in Chemical Communications!
Proton–electron-coupled functionalities of conductivity, magnetism, and optical properties in molecular crystals
H. Mori,* S. Yokomori, S. Dekura, A. Ueda
DOI: 10.1039/D1CC06826A - Apr. 06, 2022
- Mr. Goto and Mr. Matsushita joined our lab as master course students.
Welcome!! - Mar. 31, 2022
- As of this fiscal year, one member has completed a PhD course, four members have completed master's programs (two of them will be working in the private companies, and two others are going on to PhD course), one PD has been moved to other university, and one research student went on to other universities.
We wish all the graduates of Mori Laboratory bright futures!! - Feb. 17, 2022
- An original paper of Dr. Kameyama (graduated in Autumn 2021) about the effect of chain length elongation on electronic correlations in oligo-EDOT (= EthyleneDiOxyThiphene) charge transfer salts has been accepted to Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.!!
Conjugation Length Effect on the Conducting Behavior of Single-crystalline Oligo(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (nEDOT) Radical Cation Salts
R. Kameyama, T. Fujino,* S. Dekura, H. Mori*
DOI: 10.1039/D2CP00250G - Jan. 31, 2022
- Mr. Ito (M2) got the Best Master's Thesis Award in 2021 at the Master's Thesis Examination of the Department of Materials Science, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, the University of Tokyo. Congratulations!
- Dec. 23, 2021
- Dr. Dekura (Project Research Associate) got the Best Young Scientist Encouragement Award in the 15th Joint Research Meeting of MEXT National Projects on Condensed-Matter Science.
- Nov. 15, 2021
- Mr. Nishioka (M2) got the Oral Presentation Award and Mr. Onozuka (D2) got the Poster Presentation Award in the 15th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science. Congratulations!
- Oct. 20, 2021
- An original paper of Dr. Dekura (Project Research Associate) has been published in Solid State Ionics!!
Effects of mechanical grinding on the phase behavior and anhydrous proton conductivity of imidazolium hydrogen succinate
S. Dekura,* Y. Sunairi, K. Okamoto, F. Takeiri, G. Kobayashi, Y. Hori,* Y. Shigeta, H. Mori,*
Solid State Ionics, 372, 115775, (2021). - Oct. 12, 2021
- A collaboration work with Prof. Yamashita at ISSP UTokyo, Prof. Drichko at Johns Hopkins Univ., Prof. Hotta at Dept. Phys. Grad. Sch. Sci. UTokyo, et al. has been published in npj Quantum Materials!!
Ferromagnetism out of charge fluctuation of strongly correlated electrons in κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Hg(SCN)2Br
M. Yamashita,* S. Sugiura, A. Ueda, S. Dekura, T. Terashima, S. Uji, Y. Sunairi, H. Mori, E. I. Zhilyaeva, S. A. Torunova, R. N. Lyubovskaya, N. Drichko,* C. Hotta*
npj Quantum Materials, 6, 87, (2021).
arXiv:2006.05221 (2021). - Sep. 30, 2021
- Dr. Kameyama (D3) has graduated from our group.
Hope his all the success in his new field!! - Jun. 08, 2021
- A collaboration work of Dr. Dekura (Project Research Associate) with Dr. Hori at Tsukuba Univ. has been published online in J. Phys. Chem. Lett.!!
Proton Conduction Mechanism for Anhydrous Imidazolium Hydrogen Succinate Based on Local Structures and Molecular Dynamics
Y. Hori*, S. Dekura*, Y. Sunairi, T. Ida, M. Mizuno, H. Mori, and Y. Shigeta
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.1c01280
Click here for the University of Tsukuba press release.
Click here for the article on the ISSP website. - May. 20, 2021
- An original paper of Dr. Yokomori (PD) has been accepted to J. Mater. Chem C!!
Modulation of the electronic states and magnetic properties of nickel catecholdithiolene complex by oxidation-coupled deprotonation
S. Yokomori, S. Dekura,* A. Ueda, R. Kumai, Y. Murakami, H. Mori*
DOI: 10.1039/D1TC01111A - May. 10, 2021
- Mr. Kameyama (D3) got the CSJ Student Presentation Award in the 101th Annual Meeting of Chemical Society of Japan!
- Apr. 01, 2021
- Members updated.
- Mar. 10, 2021
- Publications and Members updated.
- Jan. 13, 2021
- An original paper of Mr. Kameyama (D3) has been accepted to Chem. Eur. J.!!
The Simplest Model for Doped PEDOT (Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)): Single-crystalline EDOT Dimer Radical Cation Salts
R. Kameyama T. Fujino* S. Dekura M. Kawamura T. Ozaki H. Mori*
DOI: 10.1002/chem.202005333 - Jan. 5, 2021
- Members updated.
- Oct. 15, 2020
- An original paper of Mr. Yokomori (D3) has been accepted to J. Mater. Chem. C!!
Vapochromism induced by intermolecular electron transfer coupled with hydrogen-bond formation in zinc dithiolene complex
S. Yokomori, S. Dekura,* T. Fujino, M. Kawamura, T. Ozaki, H. Mori*
DOI: 10.1039/D0TC04280C - Oct. 1, 2020
- Members updated.
- Aug. 27, 2020
- Mr. Yokomori (D3) gave a oral presentation in the 3rd Hydorgenomics research meeting (online) in 8/20-8/21, and received the Hydrogenomics
Encouragement Award!
Details are here. - Apr. 13, 2020
- An original paper of Dr. Sunairi (got PhD in Mar. 2020) has been published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. as a part of the SPECIAL TOPICS: Frontier of Hydrogen Science !!
Anhydrous Purely Organic Solid-State Proton Conductors: Effects of Molecular Dynamics on the Proton Conductivity of Imidazolium Hydrogen Dicarboxylates
Y. Sunairi, S. Dekura, A. Ueda, T. Ida, M. Mizuno, and H. Mori,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 89, 051008, (2020). - Apr. 1, 2020
- Members updated.
- Feb. 25, 2020
- A collaboration work has been published in Chem. Phys. Lett.
A computational examination of the electric-field-induced proton transfer along the interface hydrogen bond between proton donating and accepting self-assembled monolayers
Y. Kanematsu, H. S. Kato, S. Yoshimoto, A. Ueda, S. Yamamoto, H. Mori, J. Yoshinobu, I. Matsuda, and M. Tachikawa
Chem. Phys. Lett., 741, 137091, (2020). - Oct. 1, 2019
- Mr. Sunairi (D3) won a Poster Award in ISCOM2019!!
Details are here (in Japanese) - Jun. 5, 2019
- Publications updated.
- Jun. 3, 2019
- Dr. Tomoko Fujino joined our lab as a Research Associate.
- Apr. 18, 2019
- An original paper of Mr. Yokomori(D2)'s results has been accepted to CrystEngComm!
Construction of three-dimensional anionic molecular frameworks based on hydrogen-bonded metal dithiolene complexes and the crystal solvent effect
S. Yokomori, A. Ueda,* T. Higashino, R. Kumai, Y. Murakami, H. Mori*
DOI: 10.1039/C9CE00364A - Apr. 10, 2019
- Photo album updated.
- Apr. 1, 2019
- Members and Publications updated.
- Mar. 22, 2017
- Publications updated.
- Feb. 20, 2015
- Our new website launched! Details are now under construction.